<p>On the evening before their eighth wedding anniversary, Sherrill and Jolonda Miller were involved in a boating accident. Sherrill saved his wife from drowning and, in saving her life, lost his own. Jolonda Miller wrote this book not as a diary of painful events, but as a series of insights to help the grieving Christian become whole again. This is her story. Not of the tragedy itself but of the aftermath: her struggle to survive, to put her life back together, to cope, to understand -- to grieve. Jolonda Miller shares her personal struggle with grief and how she found meaning in life despite her loss. It was not easy. It is not easy. But it is possible. Her Christian training and faith were her support as she faced shock, pain, despair, and anger. Her reflections on her own triumph offer help and guidance to others. An encouraging book. A devotional book. A helpful book. A renewing book. An honest book. You will weep. You will rejoice. You will be strengthened and reassured. You will experience the joy of triumph over ugly reality. A devotional guide to constructive grief. YOU CAN BECOME WHOLE AGAIN -- a book of action, a book of renewal, a book of survival.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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